John Fletcher
Also Known As | johnmfletcher33; lennoxxreverb |
URLs | Main Hire for Voice Acting Tweeters |
Categories | Human Resources |
Sir John Fletcher makes jingles and other sounds for the No Agenda Show. When you have hear someone scream "Puuu-tehhhn!" that's him!
From his SoundCloud page:
I listen to the Best Podcast in the Universe, the No Agenda Show with Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak in the morning. I also occasionally have tiny music we know as jingles played on the show. Lately, however, I just yell for them, which suites me fine.
I also play guitar, bass, drums and keyboards in my home "studio" in Longview, TX.
If you would like your own personal yell for a ringtone or if you are interested in other voice or music based sound clips, just send me a message and I'll give you my email address.
Thank you for your courage.
John Fletcher is not necessarily endorsed by Gitmolist or the creators of the No Agenda Show. This listing is for information purposes only.